





沟通 & 艺术



20岁的杰克·格里菲斯善于识别利基市场.  克利夫兰的终身体育迷, 从俄亥俄州来到bet亚洲365欢迎投注, he wanted to see the 纽约 Knicks play at world-famous Madison Square Garden.  我不熟悉纽约, 格里菲思 started researching online to figure out the best way for him to get there, 他在哪里可以找到最便宜的食物, and other information relevant to a first-time visitor.  他什么也没找到,但一个想法诞生了.  Two years later, 格里菲思’s startup company 体育场Quest (http://www.stadiumquest.com/) is providing informative reviews of the fan experience at a growing number of sports arenas, 无论是专业的还是大学的.

格里菲思, a student in the School of 传播与艺术, 是bet亚洲365欢迎投注足球队的安全队员吗.  知道他想去大学打橄榄球, he considered both Marist and its Pioneer Football League (PFL) rival, 代顿大学.  然而, one of his brothers and a number of friends also attended Dayton, 所以格里菲斯宁愿展开翅膀.  他回忆说, “我想自己去探索, 而bet亚洲365欢迎投注离家只有7个小时的车程, 所以它离得很远,但又不太远.  I like that I can still go home at Thanksgiving and Christmas.”  格里菲思’s decision to play football at Marist has worked out nicely for him, having performed well on the field and being selected to the PFL Academic Honor Roll each of the last two years.

Sports, and writing about them, are a big part of 格里菲思’s life.  He observes, “Team sports teach you to be to be part of a family.  Things don’t always go your way, but you learn to compromise for the sake of the team.  You come together and strive to achieve a shared goal.”  With a double concentration in sports communication and journalism, he has worked hard to develop the quality and depth of his writing, and the Marist faculty has been instrumental in his success.  格里菲斯特别赞扬了琼·佩里塞, who had a major impact on him as his college writing instructor.  “我想写作,她挑战了我.  She gave me honest criticism and pushed me, and it improved my writing.” 

He also gives great credit to Professional Lecturer of Sports 沟通 Leander Schaerlaeckens, who serves as Assistant Director for the 体育传播中心.  “Leander has unbelievable experience at ESPN and elsewhere, 他对我的公司提出了很好的建议.”  格里菲思 also became a staff writer at Center Field, the 体育传播中心’s student-run blog.  格里菲思说, “参与中外野, and the mentorship I received from the upperclassmen there, 让我的写作更上一层楼.”  Schaerlaeckens has been impressed with 格里菲思’s work ethic and his ability to think outside the box.  “杰克不仅聪明、和蔼可亲, he’s the sort of student who is likely to forge his own path through the sports communication industry.  He’s already demonstrated that he’s entrepreneurial and has a knack for seeing opportunities where others don’t.  I would not be surprised at all if he creates his own job after graduation, rather than applying to ones that others have made earlier.”

So how did 格里菲思 create the 体育场Quest website, and what’s its business model?  回忆格里菲斯, “After trying to find information about Madison Square Garden, I started thinking about what makes up the stadium experience for a fan, and I interviewed my friends about what they look for in a sports arena.  I’m not a tech guy, so I went through Squarespace to create the website layout.  I toyed with different ideas for logos and the overall look and sought input from friends and family.”  格里菲思 got Google AdSense to advertise on his site and cut deals with Lyft and Barstool Sports in which they give him promo codes to share with his followers. 

格里菲思 does the reviews himself by showing up at a venue in a 体育场Quest tee shirt and with 体育场Quest business cards in hand.  He talks with people there about their experience and takes it all in.  体育场s are ranked on a scale of one to 100 based on four categories: Pre-Game Atmosphere, 餐厅, 体育场, 和游戏氛围.  他发现粉丝们都很乐意帮忙, sometimes offering to show him around the park and telling him where the best places to tailgate are. 

The list of National Basketball Association arenas reviewed on 体育场Quest includes Madison Square Garden (纽约 Knicks), 巴克莱中心(布鲁克林篮网队), 奥本山宫(底特律活塞), while Major League Baseball reviews include Yankee 体育场 (纽约 Yankees), 芬威球场(波士顿红袜队), 进步球场(克里夫兰印第安人队), 米勒公园(密尔沃基酿酒人), 和保证率球场(芝加哥白袜队).  格里菲思 has also posted reviewed of several well-known college football and basketball arenas in the Midwest.  In future, 格里菲思 hopes that minor league stadiums will pay him to list them on 体育场Quest.  与此同时, 在12月, 他计划为网站重新命名, 哪一种将具有额外的用户输入功能.  He is currently interviewing for spring internships and hopes to spend summer 2019 working in 纽约 City.

After graduation from Marist, 格里菲思 plans to attend law school.  “I want to go the prosecutor, district attorney, judge route,” he says.  那《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》呢?  “Ten years from now, I think it will still exist in some form.  我有可能把它卖了, or maybe I’ll let my brother run it since he’s already very involved in the site.”  Sports will always remain close to 格里菲思’s heart, 然而, 他仍然怀揣着在ESPN上露面的梦想.  但这对律师来说是怎么回事?  格里菲思 already has a niche in mind – analyzing the legal side of sports.  As his experience with 体育场Quest has taught him, “Find your niche, and you’ll be indispensable.”
