
Marist Sophomore Alissa Sytsma Presents at Celebration of 本科研究, 奖学金, 及创意活动(CURSCA) on Jointly Developed Hyperledger-based Blockchain Application


Marist Sophomore Alissa Sytsma Presents at Celebration of 本科研究, 奖学金, 及创意活动(CURSCA) on Jointly Developed Hyperledger-based Blockchain Application

4月18日, 2018 — 计算机科学与数学’ sophomore Alissa Sytsma, 谁主修计算机科学,辅修两门, 网络安全和IT, will present a Hyperledger-based blockchain application collaboratively developed with BlackRidge Technology at the 2018 Celebration of 本科研究, 奖学金, 和创意活动(CURSCA)的年度展示. 

作为一名学生研究员和开发人员, Alissa Sytsma collaborated with BlackRidge Technology experts, bet亚洲365欢迎投注, and IT technical staff to jointly develop a Hyperledger-based blockchain application that eliminates fraud from philanthropic contributions.  The solution developed and hosted at Marist requires only a web browser and integrates BlackRidge endpoint software to secure all transactions to and from the Hyperledger-based Assets and Transaction system. The Hyperledger Fabric records an immutable record of all transactions and BlackRidge Technology provides ‘person-based’ authenticated linkages between all parties engaged in the transactions.

Marist Sophomore Alissa Sytsma Presents at Celebration of 本科研究, 奖学金, 及创意活动(CURSCA)

“The research we have done with BlackRidge is a great example of how Marist approaches innovation. Including our students as young paraprofessionals with the institution’s strong applied research culture makes Marist unique within higher education,比尔·瑟斯克说, Vice President of 信息技术/CIO at Marist College. “Having BlackRidge as a joint research and technology incubation partner further differentiates us. 通过利用这个解决方案, 我们能够提供简单, 创新, and secure blockchain services to our constituents and lower the barriers of entry for enterprises to take advantage of blockchain technology. Marist will continue to develop the fraud avoidance system in conjunction with BlackRidge Technology to provide an immutable Hyperledger blockchain and secure transactions using BlackRidge Technology’s cybersecurity stack.”

“Our partnership with BlackRidge has been tremendous in understanding blockchain technology, 如何保护它, 推动这个领域的创新.  我们与blackridge合作, 圣母的学生, 教师, 以及IT人员来构建和设计解决方案. Both our students and 教师 developed the Hyperledger Fabric routines utilizing Hyperledger Composer,”医生说。. Roger Norton, Dean of the School of 计算机科学与数学.  “BlackRidge developed the nodejs and browser code utilizing Hyperledger Composer, 作曲家休息服务器, 和Visual Studio Code.  This is also a great example of the use open source software to drive innovation. All of the code in the solution is licensed under Apache License v2.0.  We have the solution fully functional and are now moving toward production deployment in our IT shop.”  

“Marist College has been a tremendous cybersecurity research partner for BlackRidge, providing access to IT resources and 教师 and students to collaborate on our products and solutions.  Most recently we collaborated on providing an active cyber defense for distributed network-based applications including blockchains to protect them from unidentified and unauthorized discovery and access and from DDoS attacks.  We look forward to working with Marist to bring to market their hosted blockchain solution secured by BlackRidge,鲍勃·格雷厄姆说, 黑岭科技的首席执行官.


Located on the banks of the historic Hudson River and at its Florence, 意大利的校园, 圣母学院是一所综合性的学院, 以文科为基础的独立机构. 它的使命是“帮助学生发展智力”, 字符, 以及开化所需的技能, 道德, and productive lives in the global community of the 21st century.” Marist is consistently recognized for excellence by The Princeton Review (Colleges That Create Futures and The Best 381 Colleges), U.S. 新闻 & 世界大学排名(北区最佳地区大学第九名), Kiplinger的个人理财(“最佳大学价值观”), 和其他人. 马克思主义教育大约5岁,1万名传统年龄的本科生,400 adult and graduate students in 47 undergraduate majors and 15 graduate programs, 包括完全在线的MBA, MPA, MS, 和硕士学位.


BlackRidge Technology provides an adaptive cyber defense solution that enables our customers to deliver more secure and resilient business services in today’s rapidly evolving technology and cyber threat environments. The BlackRidge Adaptive Trust solution provides end-to-end security that proactively isolates cloud services, 保护服务器和网段. Our patented First Packet Authentication™ technology authenticates user and device identity and enforces security policy on the first packet of network sessions. This new level of real-time protection blocks or redirects unidentified and unauthorized traffic to stop attacks and unauthorized access. BlackRidge was founded in 2010 to commercialize its military grade and patented network security technology.

