2023年4月4日 — Instead of heading home or to the beach for spring break, a group of Marist students ventured to Washington, D.C. for a public service career trip with the College. The trip gave students the unique opportunity to network with D.C.校友及家长, 参加就业座谈, 参观标志性历史遗迹, 和 kindle their interest in future careers in public service 和 beyond.

Over 30 students from a variety of majors signed up to attend the trip led by Dr. 马丁·谢弗,哈佛大学院长 文理学院 和 Associate Professor of 政治科学. The 文理学院 teamed up with the 就业服务中心, 圣母校友会,和 公民参与和领导中心 to sponsor the trip 和 accompany the students as they navigated networking 和 the Capitol’s highlights.

“我们的圣母玛利亚.C. 校友 network has grown enormously over the years, 和 we want to keep building that network as we help connect current students 和 recent 研究生s with our alumni in the Washington D.C. 区域,”博士说. 谢弗. “在今年的D.C. 公务员就业之旅, students got the opportunity to meet with alumni from Capitol Hill, 行政分支机构, 游说团体, 民意调查公司, 博物馆及艺术机构, 以及其他许多公共服务领域.”  

Marist Student Group with 教师 at the Russell Senate Office Building. 摄影:Zachary Gawron. 

“This is only the second time that we have sponsored this event, but it will now be held every spring break due to its success,” said Associate Director for the Employer Experience, 德斯蒙德·莫里. ”一个女校友, 詹娜·瓦纳迪亚,19岁, who attended the first trip as a student in 2019 served as a professional presenter on the 2023 panel. It is our goal to build a network of Marist alumni for current students who want to pursue careers in the DMV area (Washington, D.C.马里兰州和弗吉尼亚州).”

“When I came on the Marist 公务员就业之旅 during my senior year four years ago, advice panelists gave made me eager 和 hopeful for my future in Washington D.C.19岁的詹娜·瓦纳迪亚说. 作为职业顾问小组的D.C. alumnus this year was such a full circle moment 和 I hope the students got as much out of the trip as I did when I was in their shoes.”

在旅途中, close to 100 people gathered for a Marist 校友, 家长, 及学生联谊酒会 全国记者俱乐部 to mingle 和 connect with fellow Red Foxes. 现在有900多名校友住在D区.C. area, making it an off-campus hub for Marist professionals to meet, 团聚, 和 help one another succeed in one of the most important 和 influential places in America.

“我选择来D.C. because I’m interested in the public spheres,23岁的Navkiran P和her说, 政治科学 也是bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学的律师助理学生. “There are job options 和 career paths that I never thought existed until having conversations with alumni on this trip. 谁知道呢,也许最后我自己也会在这里.”

“华盛顿有很多网络和工作机会.C., making it a good place to start out 和 to meet new people,23岁的汉娜·布拉特说, 社会工作, 刑事司法, 社会正义, 玛丽斯特大学社会学专业的学生. “我来自民主党.C. area so it was great to connect with Marist alumni from different fields 和 inspiring to learn their stories.”














Vice President of 多样性、公平和包容 (DEI), Dr. 爱德华·安东尼奥 spoke to reception attendees about the power of building relationships 和 how events like the 公务员就业之旅 to D.C. help to uphold a strong, active, 和 diverse community among Marist networks. 

“Marist is one of the few places where students open doors for each other both literally 和 figurately,”医生说。. 安东尼奥. “当我们建立有效的网络时, we open doors 和 opportunities for each other-doors to get to know each other, 成为朋友的门, 和 doors to think about where we fit in this world in terms of our careers 和 our prospects.”

在旅途中, students attended several career panels where more than two dozen Marist alumni spoke about their direct experiences in national politics, 全球事务, 通信, 以及政策分析和倡导. 小组成员提出了bet亚洲365欢迎投注社交的建议, 实习, 研究生院, 向人求教, 找工作, 和 growing their skill set 和 professionalism. They also discussed their own experiences as Marist students 和 encouraged students to take advantage of the collegiate opportunities that set them up for professional success 和 personal fulfillment.

When the trip concluded students shared their big takeaways 和 what they enjoyed the most.

“我100%推荐D.C. 与其他学生的旅行,25岁的Kiara Espinal说, 政治科学, 社会正义, 也是bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学的律师助理学生. “My mind has been opened to the possibilities of what I could do post-college 和 I got to come to D.C. to see all of the monuments 和 museums like the African American Museum of 历史 和 Culture 和 Capitol Hill.”

“My biggest takeaway from the spring break D.C. trip has been the inspiration I’ve gotten from all the alumni I met,24岁的扎克·布雷顿说, 玛丽斯特大学公共关系专业的学生. “The alumni were super helpful 和 encouraging 和 gave good advice about networking, 建筑的简历, 申请工作. I’m going to take back everything I learned as I look forward.”

To learn more about the 公务员就业之旅 to D.C. 联系 Dr. 马丁·谢弗德斯蒙德·莫里.


