



Our 环境科学与政策 students are ready to harness their passion for environmental consciousness into successful and meaningful career paths. With direct campus access to the Hudson River and the expansive resources of the Hudson River Valley, 在该领域有广泛的联系, 专业的教师为你的成功投资, 你们将做好充分准备,为全球环境的未来留下自己的印记.    


位于哈德逊河谷的中心, bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学在校园内提供了一系列令人难以置信的环境学习机会.

在本视频中,跟随Dr. 理查德·S. 费尔德曼,椅子 & 环境科学副教授 & 玛丽斯特学院的政策, 因为他帮助学生学习如何识别北门沼泽的开花植物.

了解更多bet亚洲365欢迎投注Dr. Feldman>



Whether you’re more interested in the science behind environmental systems or you intend to fight for environmentally conscious 政策, Marist’s 环境科学与政策 major allows you to customize your academic experience to best suit your career goals.

B.S. 环境科学

学习如何使用物理检测和解决环境问题, 化学, 生物技术, 以及如何识别和理解控制它们的底层过程. 你将准备在环境实验室工作, 咨询公司, 自然资源和管理机构, 绿色科技公司, 以及研究机构, 通过一组可定制的课程. 课堂和实地经验使用多样化的实践, 基于项目的, or team-based approaches to thoroughly prepare you with the skills you’ll need to pursue a career or graduate studies in the environmental sciences or related fields.

B.A. 环境研究

这个学位是针对复杂的环境解决方案的实施, balancing policy-oriented approaches to environmental problems with knowledge on the science behind them. 您将学习如何制定和评估具有成本效益的政策选择, generate public and political support for resource utilization practices that lower humanity's impact on the planet, 制定法律, 并设计机制,邀请或确保遵守或加强对这一问题的理解. 课程选择是灵活的,允许定制自己的兴趣在法律领域, 业务, 沟通, 可持续性, 气候, 技术, 以及其他环境正义和公平的不同方面.

B.A. 环境地球科学

这个B.A. 以户外为主, hands-on courses that develop your scientific intellect and effective 沟通 skills through curricular experiences that emphasize 基于项目的 learning. 课程通过应用将理论转化为实践, real-world approaches that allow you to grow your skills in analytical and team-based methodologies – competitively preparing you as an environmental professional ready for a diversity of job types in the sciences. This degree is designed to be paired easily with Marist’s Masters in Adolescence 教育 (Grades 7-12). 这种配对创建了一个关节 5年B.A./硕士项目 where you become eligible for teaching certification in Earth science education by also 完成 education-focused coursework and student teaching at the Masters level.


该项目提供三种可能的未成年人,从18-29学分不等. 环境政策辅修课程提供了对这些问题的研究, 政策, 以及有关环境的法律. 的 Environmental 科学 Minor provides a foundation in the natural and physical sciences as they pertain to environmental studies. 环境研究辅修课程结合了环境科学和政策的平衡. 这些辅修课程适合任何专业的学生, 像业务, 沟通, 心理学, 等.


不仅是 我们的教师 在各自领域处于领先地位,在工作中有丰富的经验, 但他们也会全身心地投入到学生的成功中, 经常让他们参加专业研究和教育旅行. 照片在这里, Dr. 锡安绝 带他的学生去明尼苏达州立公园 研究该地区的地质历史.

“In order for students to solve many of the major environmental problems influencing the region today, you need to also understand how the previous millions of years of geologic events control the look and function of our present-day landscapes,克洛斯说。. “我们很幸运位于哈德逊河谷那里有丰富的开放空间供这类探索.”

Read 的 Full Story>


梅根参加了梦寐以求的比赛 塔弗暑期实习计划,这 gives undergraduates the opportunity to work on a community improvement project by interning at a local non-profit organization. 与风景优美的哈德逊合作, an organization that preserves land and farms and creates parks that connect people with the Hudson River, 梅根标准化了不止一个,500个数据点, 将原始数据转换成地图, 创建了一组建议, 并记录了未来测绘工作的数据收集方法. 生成的报告, 波基普西北区行人需求评估, 能帮助波基普西市在不久的将来优先改善人行道和人行横道吗.

阅读更多 bet亚洲365欢迎投注 the 塔弗暑期实习计划>


Our location on the banks of the Hudson River provides ample opportunity for aquatic research and for use as a field site for class use. 的 河实验室, 从bet亚洲365欢迎投注河畔的康奈尔船屋跑出来, has a flow-through system which allows students to extract water and river wildlife to test for research experiments. bet亚洲365欢迎投注距离卡里生态系统研究所只有30分钟的路程, 我们的学生可以和二十几位科学家一起实习 前沿生态学研究.


 Marist students conduct hands-on research with the 纽约州环境保护部 Hudson River Estuary 程序 and the Hudson River National Estuarine 研究 Reserve on migratory eels in the Hudson River and changes in eel pigmentation.

“Sometimes it’s a struggle to get people to care about 气候 change because it’s such a huge problem. 我想让人们觉得他们实际上可以为解决问题做出贡献.为了她的荣誉论文, 环境科学专业的学生Ellie Petraccione专注于哈德逊河, in particular the harmful algal blooms and cyanobacteria that have been appearing there due to 气候 change. 通过照片, 信息图, 还有项目符号, the project helps laypeople easily understand the problem of algal blooms on the Hudson River watershed and how it can affect their everyday lives. “当你穿着涉水鞋在河上时, 你真的与环境联系在一起这就是我想保护它的原因. 我希望人们关心我.”

Read Ellie's Story>

自然保护区蕨类植物, 位于校园的北端, 能看到哈德逊河的景色,而且对校园社区开放. 环境科学与政策 students use it as an ecology lab and look out for the well-being of the preserve.

Students were given the opportunity to act on the state's recommendations for native plant species best suited for Fern Tor, 并协调18名志愿者决定每种植物的种植地点.

Read 的 Full Story>


Engaging in hands-on learning both inside and outside of the classroom is a staple of the Marist educational experience, 而环境科学与政策项目则将其提升到了一个新的水平. 你会被鼓励获得现实世界的敏锐 完成 实习 在符合你未来目标的地方. Below are only a handful of locations at which 环境科学与政策 students have completed 实习.


环境科学与政策实习地点:国家公园管理局, 哥伦比亚土地保护协会, 纽约州环境保护部, 风景优美的哈德逊, 国际纸业, 及环境设计 & 研究.
Logos of 环境科学与政策 internship locations: Stonykill Environmental 教育 Center, 哈德逊高地博物馆, 中央哈德逊, 世界环境中心, 加里生态系统研究所, 和尚普兰湖土地信托基金.


作为一门环境科学 & 主修政策,辅修音乐, I am currently working with my fellow band member and one of my professors to study the impact of communicating scientific information and 气候 awareness through music in comparison to traditional scientific 沟通 methods such as a presentation.



Read Brennan's Story >

在课堂上,我学习了地理信息系统(GIS)和环境规划, 帮助我完成了在美国气象学会的实习. 我的教授们给了我很多建议,让我和我所在领域的人接触!



Read Kelly's Story >

I was one of about 70 college and university students from across the nation selected to travel to 华盛顿, 向国会议员展示本科生研究人员工作成果的活动. 与国会议员直接分享我们在哈德逊河的发现感觉很棒, 谁有能力根据这些信息采取行动,帮助我们当地的环境.



在参加了一个bet亚洲365欢迎投注气候变化的研讨会后,我决定把我的热情投入到工作中. 我被选为瓦平格斯瀑布市市长的流域实习生, NY, relaying environmental information to make sure the people who are affecting the watershed know what they’re doing and how it affects us. I’ve been really fortunate at Marist to run into these opportunities and fortunate enough to actually get these opportunities.



Read Ian's Story >

在圣母, we pride ourselves on our dedication to providing our students with a well-rounded liberal arts education that prepares them for practical experience and profound success in their field. 但不要只相信我们的话,数字会说话.









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