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The 2023 Marist Mindset List for the Class of 2027

The Mindset List, aka the “always/never” list, 是bet亚洲365欢迎投注即将到来的大学生的要点汇编吗. 1998年,贝洛伊特学院(Beloit College)创建了这份榜单,以反映入学一年级学生的世界观,并帮助教师了解即将入学的班级。这份榜单始于2002届的学生, born in 1980. 2019年,该清单转移到bet亚洲365欢迎投注,成为bet亚洲365欢迎投注心态清单. The list is widely considered a cultural touchstone.


Timeline of the Mindset List

Jul 31, 1998


Read the list

Nov 04, 2007


Read the article

Jul 01, 2011

The Mindset List of American History is published.

See the book

Jul 29, 2016


See the book

Oct 25, 2018

The Mindset List moves to Marist.

Read the article

Aug 21, 2019

The first Marist Mindset List is released.

Read the list

Sep 09, 2020

The Mindset List for the Class of 2024 is released.

Read the list

Sep 07, 2021

The Mindset List for the Class of 2025 is released.

Read the List

Sep 07, 2022

The Mindset List for the Class of 2026 is released.

Read the List

Sep 19, 2023

The Mindset List for the Class of 2027 is released.

Read the List

Image of the Marist Mindset List team.

在英语副教授Tommy Zurhellen的指导下, 艺术及数码媒体助理教授李玉珍, and Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice Vanessa Lynn, 2027届毕业生的名单将是第四次完全由bet亚洲365欢迎投注编制. 该团队将这份名单作为“一个文化指南针,追踪每届大学新生面临的挑战,并庆祝他们取得的成就”.”

bet亚洲365欢迎投注教师的指导下,今年的榜单由10个项目组成. Led by Associate Professor of English Tommy Zurhellen, Marist心态清单的目标是激发深思熟虑的对话. 2027届学生名单上的每一项都是研究和讨论的结果, 这里提供了背景资源的链接,以鼓励深入研究主题领域.

The Class of 2027 is exploring...

1. Music

在线音乐网站Pandora成立于2005年,许多新生也是在这一年出生的. Now, 多亏了潘多拉和Spotify等网站上的老音乐, 即将入学的学生在手机上听齐柏林飞艇乐队(Led Zeppelin)和拉娜·德尔·雷(Lana del Rey)或小宝贝(Lil’Baby)的可能性一样大.

2. Journalism

Dan Rather and Ted Koppel both retired in 2005, 有效地终结了网络新闻节目作为年轻美国人获取新闻的主要方式的统治地位. Eighteen years later, 2027届毕业生将主要从Youtube等社交媒体网站获取新闻, Instagram and Tiktok, according to the American Press Institute.

3. Environmental Science

新生们一直生活在一个明显受到气候变化影响的世界里. In 2005, 卡特里娜飓风和丽塔飓风给美国南部带来了前所未有的破坏, 作为极端天气事件的预警,随着海洋温度的持续上升,极端天气事件变得越来越频繁.

4. Film & Television

Youtube launched in 2005, the same year TV programs American Idol, CSI and Desperate Housewives were the most-watched. Eighteen years later, 2027届毕业生几乎只会在Youtube和类似的在线网站上观看他们的视频内容.

5. Education

2027届毕业生将是第一批将ChatGPT或“生成预训练转换器”完全整合到他们的大学学习经历中的人. ChatGPT将被教育机构用来帮助学生学习课程材料,或者比以前更有效地回答有关大学生活的一般问题, 这使得他们可以把更多的时间集中在其他重要的领域,比如研究项目或教学活动,而不是平凡的行政任务上。”

6. Media Studies

It has been said, “Gen Z’s active attention span is just 1.3 seconds.但2027届的学生将学习像书籍这样的长篇内容, 视频和播客突破了社交媒体的喧嚣,吸引了他们的注意力. For example, 去年,美国青少年小说的销量增长了31%,而播客的收听量增长了62%.

7. Games & Emerging Media

2027届的学生对融入电子游戏或游戏化的当代艺术感兴趣,以探索土地的想法, Indigeneity, 未来的主体和反叙事对主导历史的记录. Hans Ulrich Obrist predicts, “电子游戏之于21世纪,就像电影之于20世纪, and novels to the 19th century. 如今,美术人员开发自己的游戏环境要容易得多.”

8. Study Abroad

对于即将入学的学生来说,出国留学越来越有吸引力. 海外留学项目正在利用疫情后的世界重新构想全球教育经历. 出国留学可能会有更多的混合或虚拟机会来提供课程,并从不同的文化中学习.

9. Sports Communication

即将入学的学生运动员现在可以用NIL(姓名,图像和肖像)赚钱了. Not all students will benefit from this, however; NIL is mostly prevalent in basketball, football, baseball and hockey. 批评人士呼吁制定法规,提供指导方针,防止偏袒某些体育项目. How will this change college sports in the years to come?

10. Cinema Studies

新生们经常引用电视节目《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》(the Office)中的台词,尽管该节目已于2013年停播. 这些角色在当今的大学文化中无处不在,多亏了Netflix和短格式流媒体服务的重生,这部剧现在已经成为一种文化现象.

由Tom McBride和Ron Nief于1998年在Beloit学院创作, 这份名单旨在反映入学一年级学生的世界观,并帮助教师了解即将入学的班级——该名单始于2002届的学生, born in 1980. In the 20 years since, The Mindset List has been a valuable marker of social, economic, 在他们通过美国高等教育机构取得进步的过程中,为后代带来了文化变化.

Marked by fast fashion, politics, climate change, and a global pandemic, the Class of 2026 entered with varying life expereinces. 

Read the Marist Mindset List for the College Class of 2026 > 

The class of 2025 rediscovered the power of words, redefined the college experience, and were empowered to make a positive change.

Read the Marist Mindset List for the College Class of 2025 >


Read the Marist Mindset List for the College Class of 2024 >

这批2001年出生的新一代大学生从未与乔伊·雷蒙共享地球, George Harrison, Timothy McVeigh, or Ken Kesey.

Among their classmates could be Billie Eilish, Sasha Obama, or Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s daughter Simone.

  1. Like Pearl Harbor for their grandparents, and the Kennedy assassination for their parents, 9/11 is an historical event. 
  2. 拇指,跳跃和USB闪存驱动器总是将软盘推向历史.
  3. The primary use of a phone has always been to take pictures.
  4. 这个国家的口号一直是:“如果你看到了什么,就说出来。.”
  5. The Tech Big Four--Apple, Facebook, 亚马逊和谷歌——对他们来说就像三大汽车制造商之于他们的祖父母.
  6. 他们的智能笔书写和记录的速度可能比他们思考的还要快.
  7. 他们这一代人中有近一半是有色人种.
  8. 当他们第一次从地板上爬起来的时候, they may have been hanging onto the folks’ brand-new Xbox.
  9. bet亚洲365欢迎投注选举团制度的未来,四年一次的辩论总是优柔寡断.
  10. 俄克拉荷马城的中心一直有一座国家纪念碑.
  11. 自给自足的、由电池供电的人造心脏一直在滴答作响.
  12. Because of Richard Reid’s explosive footwear at 30,000 feet, 乘客总是要脱掉鞋子才能通过地面安检. 
  13. 他们对性取向不加评判,就像他们的父母对吸食大麻不加评判一样. 
  14. They have outlived iTunes.
  15. Heinous, 基于性的犯罪一直由法律和秩序特别受害者股进行调查.
  16. 火星奥德赛号一直在为他们未来的火星之旅检查水的供应.
  17. Snapchat has become their social media app of choice, 这样他们就摆脱了要不要加妈妈为好友的困境.    
  18. 欧洲国家一直通过北约帮助保卫美国的领土,这是前所未有的举动.S. militarily.
  19. 他们很可能没有弟弟妹妹,因为美国的出生率正在下降.S. has been dropping since they were in grammar school.
  20. PayPal has always been an online option for purchasers.
  21. 他们见证了两位非裔美国人出任国务卿, the election of a black President, Disney’s first black Princess, and the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement.
  22. 当他们在地板上爬行时,电视标题开始在电视屏幕的底部爬行. 
  23. “Pink slime” has always been a food additive.
  24. With flyovers, honor guards, and “God Bless America,“体育赛事总是以强烈的爱国主义为标志. 
  25. 这一代人中只有三分之二的人认为自己是完全异性恋.
  26. 赛格威一直试图彻底改变人们的移动方式. 
  27. YouTube has become the video version of Wikipedia.
  28. 国际刑事法院一直以来都有,而美国也没有.S. has never been a signatory.
  29. 纽芬兰和拉布拉多的官方名称一直是纽芬兰和拉布拉多.
  30. There has always been an American Taliban.
  31. 到他们大二的时候,他们这代人将占美国学生总数的四分之一.S. population.
  32. Apple iPods have always been nostalgic.
  33. 他们一直都能乘坐捷蓝航空,但泰德和宋却不能.
  34. 四分卫特洛伊·艾克曼总是在新闻发布台上直播比赛.
  35. 在纽约州开车时使用手持手机一直是违法的.
  36. 除了庆祝《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》节目35周年,亚历克斯·特雷贝克(Alex Trebek)从来没有留过胡子.
  37. 人脸识别技术一直被用于公共活动
  38. Skilled DJs have transitioned into turntablists.
  39. The Apple Power Mac Cube has always been in a museum. 
  40. 他们出生的那一年,NBA选秀状元第一次直接从高中毕业.
  41. 他们一直担心感染西尼罗河病毒.
  42. There has always been a DisneySea in Tokyo.
  43. 他们是在大数据和无处不在的算法的陪伴下成长起来的,这些算法在他们想要什么之前就知道了.
  44. Most of them will rent, not buy, their textbooks. 
  45. They have probably all been “gaslighted” or “ghosted.”
  46. There have always been “smartwatches.”
  47. 他们祖父母的经典漫画已经演变成图画小说.
  48. 他们是在《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》(Patriot Act)的陪伴下长大的,该法案大幅加强了国家监控,以防止恐怖主义.
  49. 除颤器使用起来一直很简单,可以在家里安装.
  50. 匹兹堡钢人队和海盗队从未在三河体育场比赛过.
  51. 国会一直完全禁止克隆人类,并威胁要逮捕违法者.
  52. 在阿拉巴马州伯明翰杀害四名女学生的凶手中,至少有一名. in 1963 has always been in prison.
  53. Monica and Chandler have always been married on Friends.
  54. Blackboards have never been dumb.
  55. A Catholic Pope has always visited a mosque.
  56. Cal Ripken, Jr., has always been retired.
  57. The U.S. 一直退出《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》.
  58. Euthanasia has always been legal in the Netherlands.
  59. 世界各地的团队一直在进行一场惊人的比赛.  
  60. 可口可乐和百事可乐一直在运动补水科学市场上竞争.

National Association of Plan Advisors

"The Class of 2024", September 15, 2020

University Business

“‘马克思主义思维’:塑造学生世界观的10个关键问题” September 9, 2020

Inside Higher Ed

"Mindset List Takes New Form," September 9, 2020

Chicago Tribune

“专栏:值得哭泣的事:9/11后监控国家的崛起,” September 12, 2019

Spectrum News 1

“圣母大学心态榜揭示了2023届毕业生的世界,” August 26, 2019

The Chronicle of Higher Education

“‘思维定势表’,校园代际变化的异想天开提醒,找到了新家,” August 21, 2019

Inside Higher Ed

"Mind-Set List Moves to Marist," October 26, 2018

Andrew Alongi, Director of Marketing

Geoff Brackett, Executive Vice President

Elizabeth Clarke, Associate Librarian

Julia Fishman, Director of Media Relations

Moira Fitzgibbons, Professor of English

Sean Kaylor, Vice President, Enrollment, Marketing & Communication

Zion Klos, Assistant Professor of Environmental Science

Vanessa Lyn, Assistant Professor of Education

Tom McBride他是Beloit学院英语名誉教授,也是Mindset List的联合创始人

Ron Nief他是Beloit学院公共关系名誉主任,也是Mindset List的联合创始人

Juris Pupcenoks, Associate Professor of Political Science

Leander Schaerlaeckens, Professional Lecturer

Martin Shaffer, Dean, School of Liberal Arts

Caitlin Weiner, Assistant Director, Marketing

Charles Westerberg, Professor of Sociology, Beloit College

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